
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Military Service in question

As many may know, ran a full page ad seeking to discredit General Petraeus' reputation as a military official. This shows such a blatant disrespect to not only this honorable officer, but the men under his command. As I have said before, the members of our military sacrifice more than any of us can ever know for the sake of this great country.

The ad is one of many from both sides, seeking to attack current or former members of our military. It follows ads questioning Senator John Kerry's service in Vietnam, as well former Senator Max Cleland(D) of Massechusetts. Max Cleland lost the lower half of his body in Vietnam, which is more than nearly all Americans can say they have done for the U.S. And yet his opponent sought to discredit him by running ads with him next to Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, implying he was weak on foreign policy.

And while I may not have voted for John Kerry in the 2004 election, I am most grateful for his military service and respect him for it. I am sick of the personal attacks from the left and right; modern American politics is replete with examples of them. Politicians need to show more respect for opponents. Instead of winning elections by being the lesser evil, they need to try win by having the better plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick, why is it that even if we don't agree on "politics" we agree on politics? You go.
p.s. But you missed a comma:
As I have said before[insert comma here] the members of our military sacrifice more than any of us can ever know for the sake of this great country.